Tuesday, September 3, 2013

intro JulianAnkney

The nicest thing that I ever did for someone was, saving their life. I saved my little sister from drowning in the river when I was eleven years old camping in St. Marie's.
My teachers last year will tell you that I try never to miss a class and always turn my schoolwork in on time.
My friends will tell you that I am very opinionated and always right when I choose to speak.
People like me because I will always tell them the truth of the matter.
One thing people don't know about me is that I am superstitious.
 I am an expert on making home-made, delicious soups. My friends say I should open a restaurant, but I don't think I'm that good.
I want to know more about the laws and government because it interests me very much.
The bravest thing I ever did was face a bull straight in the horns. It almost made me piddle.
I am proud of myself for overcoming obstacles in my life, and going back to school.
I really need to make all A's and B's this year so I can get into the Radiology program here at LC.
My favorite class is anatomy because when I learn big words and say them in front of my non-college-going friends, it makes me feel smart.
My friends make me laugh when they say words wrong and don't know they said it wrong.
My pet peeve is when people turn without using their blinkers. I hate it.
When I am sad I listen to music that makes me happy.
The most stressful thing in my life is the thought of getting a bad grade. It stresses me out so badly.
I am named after Julian Lennon, John Lennon's son. John is from the Beatles.
I like a wide variety of music from classical Vivaldi, to Devin the Dude Rap, the only genre I do not listen to is Country. I am currently listening to Lana Del Rae, I have all her songs plus the remix CD.
My favorite color is green because I am just drawn to that color. Every color of green, I love them.
My favorite place on earth is laying in bed watching my son sleep beside me. He is my tiny world.


  1. Welcome Julian. Judging by this list, we have a lot of similarities. One thing I don't share with you is belief in superstitions. I grew up with people who had strange beliefs and sayings though. For example, my grandmother believed that, if you dropped your dishrag, "someone was coming with a hole in his britches." Weird eh? There was also something about an itchy palm (hand). If you scratched it on wood, it was good luck, I believe. Which superstitions do you believe in?

  2. It does seem stupid but i can't help thinking of them, and in the back of my mind i still take heed even though some are rediculous. A couple i always think of are never own a solid black cat and owls are a sign that someone you know is going to die in the near future, crows are a warning sign of something bad that is going to happen. I atill to this day flinch and shudder a little whenever i see a crow, and wonder if something WILL happn.
