Tuesday, September 3, 2013

"The Lottery" Julian Ankney

In Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" concerns itself with concepts of magic and superstition and their place in society. In a town riddled in superstition the people stone a person at the end of June. I think this signifies a sacrifice to the Gods to ensure a bountiful harvest.  In the "selection" or "lottery" process is a way for the community to relinquish the blame from themselves and place it on a higher power in honor of that long steadfast tradition. "Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon"(294), is the old folk saying of the town in this story. After the sacrifice the corn will be harvested.  In biblical days, people would give a sacrifice to appease the Gods, so they in turn would be blessed in his favor and be granted a good harvest. If the sacrifice was worthy enough the harvest would be good. Old Man Warner says that "Listening to the young folks, nothings good enough for them. Next thing you know , they'll be wanting to go back and live in caves..." (294), reinforces the time old traditions of the town's people and their unwillingness to change the time honored ways of their ancestors. Though the people are viewed as a modern society the traditions are archaic like the testaments of old, not willing to chance to a more progressive, non-sacrificial mindset. In allot of ways it can mirror the thinking of our elders and the prejudices of today's society and its norms. For example, even though "All people are created equal" under the constitution, we have affirmative action programs, and we still have reservations for the Native Americans where they receive government help and are regulated federally. People of older generations are less willing to accept the things of modern society, like gay marriage and same sex adoption, or gays in the church or military.  If you say something wrong or look a certain way (brown skinned) you are automatically searched at the airports, even though we as Americans are granted the freedom of speech, we could be labeled as a terrorist and be caught up in the violent "War on Terror." It takes people coming together for the common good and having the willingness and openness to change the old mindsets and superstitions, step out of the old testaments and into the twenty first century to change your place in society.


  1. For me, the connection between the theme (superstition) and modern-day situations like affirmative action programs and reservations is unclear. Are you saying that prejudice/racism = superstition?

  2. Wow i was very unclear with my response. Sorry about that. I meant to tie in that due to some predgudice and racism of the past that people, in their small worlds, still view now in the present. I was goimg for all people created equal, even though we are not equil by any means. And I must say that after RE-Reading my response i have no idea what i was going for with "superstition. I'm chalking this one up to too much intense studying for anatomy and not enough sleep.I feel a little stupid. I will get it right next time.
