He dreamt of
feather pillows from the time he was just a young buck, My Grampa. The kind of
pillows that are soft like clouds, floating up into the atmosphere. Swirling,
whirling with just one touch to the little pink flowers. Aereolar brown, were
the pillow cases. Like the skin of a velvet brown mink or martin. Resting your
head just so. Tilted just right. Makes your nest nice and tight. Cuddle
right-in-between-them. The perfect angle of rest, and of sight. The kind of rest
you can curl up in a ball and forget you were ever born. Rest that takes you to
a whole other plane of consciousness, bliss. Uncontrollable, unequivetable,
unrelentless, euphoria---, ultimate utopia. Just two minutes there will put
your eyes and body to sleep, but your mind is still left racing, like your
heart. It all started with Grandmother’s soft feather pillows, they were the
best and biggest. Fluffy if you like. They were full of love. Both of them, the
twins, she called them. Big wouldn’t give them justice. Enormous, ginormous,
still isn’t quit the word, wondrous, maybe. I think ‘ol Gramps was
ambidextrous, never was he tenebrous. His demeanor was always happy, especially
after a nice long nipper. The sweet smell that they had, lilac. And a touch of
White Diamonds. Just around the neck. The softest pillows of the planet, the
atmosphere, they always drew you in near….Never Fear. The gloriousness of them,
hugs with no fear. Lightnin and thunda do sometimes clash, but those pillows
will always last. Through the long night and until the wee morn. Grandmother and her
pillows are now gone. And I’ll have to give it to the good ‘ol boy. Got himself
a few other pairs, accompanied with Choke-cherry pie. He dreamt of feather pillows from the time he was just a
young buck.
So grandpa had a few other pillows, a.k.a. a few other ladies? There's so much intriguing narrative here. He's quite a character here, and we get to know him in a sort of history via pillows. Thanks :)